From Stabilization
to Transformation

There are zero barriers to accessing CCF’s services. When a guest walks through our doors, our first goal is stabilization. Whether they’re seeking a shower, a meal, or somewhere to rest their head, we meet their basic needs with dignity and respect—no questions asked. From there, we build relationships and guide them through transformational programs that target the systemic and cyclical nature of homelessness and poverty.

Community Care Fellowship Mission

Serving Christ by offering hope, love and resources to our neighbors experiencing housing insecurity.

Exceeding National Homeless Placement Rates

According to recent data, the national average for successful housing placement to a permanent housing destination from emergency shelters, transitional housing, or rapid rehousing programs is around 32.4%. In 2024, Community Care Fellowship’s mobile housing navigation center program saw a placement rate of 59%.

“Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Whether a guest is seeking a shower, a meal, or just somewhere to rest their head, we meet their basic needs, no questions asked. Not only do we meet basic needs, but we’re also proud to provide transformational programming that creates pathways out of poverty.”

Ryan LaSuer, Executive Director of Community Care Fellowship

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

From volunteer opportunities to sponsoring events, there are plenty of ways to support the work of Community Care Fellowship. We’re also grateful for monetary and in-kind donations.