Billy + Erica

In 2020, Billy and Erica walked into CCF heavy with addiction and despair. Erica had never known the love of the Father; Billy once had, but he felt unworthy. At the same time, a hygiene worker, obedient to God's call, met them where they were. An unlikely friendship formed, planting seeds of restoration. The worker often told them, “I’ll see you on the other side one day,” meaning the day they would stand whole, healed, and renewed in Christ.

Billy and Erica’s addiction lingered into the next year, but the hygiene worker remained steadfast. They showed up with patience, prayer, and love, offering support inside the shelter's walls and outside when others turned away. 1 Peter 4:8 states, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins,” and that love became their lifeline.

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
— 1 Peter 4:8

Eventually, Billy and Erica entered recovery. The road was hard, but they persevered. Erica encountered the love of Christ, and Billy, like the prodigal son, returned to the Father. They took monumental steps—getting married and baptized, achieving employment, acquiring health insurance, and moving into permanent housing without assistance.

Today, Erica celebrates four years of sobriety and Billy stands proud with one year under his belt. Together, they are free from drug, alcohol, and nicotine addiction, their family is restored, and their lives are filled with purpose.

That hygiene worker didn’t realize how much stepping into Billy and Erica’s lives would change their own. Billy and Erica’s journey is a testament to the power of showing up.



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