Rod + Catherine

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“To be stranded with no means or way to provide, all because of a gas deposit that I forgot existed. Three children, my wife, and a sports car. For 30 days my family and I were homeless and in some ways destitute. I was ready to give up and allow my family to go and leave me. My wife an extrovert, met and received information about Ken and Carol’s, a place that gave me back my hope, and my drive to fight on for my family. They fed us, they allowed us to shower, they allowed us to keep clean clothes. Most of all however, they made us a family again. This is a ways from Minneapolis, but it is now home, and CCF is now my family and I am forever indebted and enamored with Ryan and all the staff and residents.”



Help write stories of impact.

Jennifer Batchelor

Jennifer lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with her husband and two children. You can read more of her musings on motherhood, marriage and the space for grace at That Batchelor Life.

Josh + Amy

